This appears to be a daunting task but with a little patience and help you can do it, we did it in less than 5 1/2 hours. The methods I used worked for me and I make no claims and give no warranties that this will work for you. Be careful and work slowly, paying attention to what you are doing. Safety first! "No job is so important that we can't take the time to do it safely".
Tools needed: Power Drill [preferably cordless]
Assortment of drill bits
Pop Rivet Gun
Large assortment of pop rivets (Standard Aluminum, not Olympics shave head rivets)
Various screwdrivers [+ and - tips]
Hacksaw [fine tooth blade] (See note 1)
Marking pencil [standard #2 lead]
Tube of Vulkem
Side cutters
Open your boxes from Airstream and inspect the contents, you should have:
Street side and curbside wing guards
Center section guard (with attached hinge and lifting arms)
Bag full of hardware witch should contain
4 hinges, 2 ea. left , 2 ea. right
4 ea Cam-Lock anchors in rubber mount

4 ea. Cam-Lock locking screws
4 ea. Cam-Lock capture washers for the screws
2 ea. Rubber Hood Hold Downs for center section
2 ea. Catch for Rubber Hood Hold Down
a bunch of pop rivets
a bunch of stainless screws
Become familiar with the parts look them over for damage, mine had a cracked side guard I did not see until the paper was removed from the window.
People needed: 1 ea. Good helper. You'll need help from time to time, positioning parts as you mount them.
If you own an Argosy Minuet: you will need to drill out the four pop rivets from the Argosy badge mounted on the front dome. You will have to relocate it in a later step.